What Is Kief? The Complete Handbook for Using Kief
Have you ever noticed the “dust” that collects at the bottom of your cannabis grinder? It goes by many names, including dust, cannabis crystals, and chief. Most people, however, know it as kief. Although it doesn’t look like much, it’s a slightly sticky, powdery substance that can take your experiences with your favorite strains to […]
Cannabis for High Blood Pressure? What to Know
High blood pressure affects nearly half (47%) of all adults in the United States. Approximately one in three adults with high blood pressure don’t know they have it. Uncontrolled, this condition can lead to severe health complications. As interest in medical cannabis as an alternative treatment for various health conditions grows, many people are wondering […]
7 Cannabis Stereotypes We Can Put to Bed
It’s not unusual to see films and TV series showcase typical cannabis stereotypes. Think of “The Big Lebowski” or “Pineapple Express.” The caricatured marijuana smoker is inherently unmotivated — preferring to drown between the couch seats surrounded by snacks than to build anything meaningful in their life. Such a picture portrayed in popular media often […]
Cannabis Tissue Culture 101: Everything You Need To Know
The process of cloning cannabis from mother plants is well-established and will continue to be preferred by home growers. But the cannabis industry is growing quickly, and large-scale cultivators are looking to advanced scientific processes to improve their operations. Enter cannabis tissue culture. Using practices adopted from big agriculture to grow orchids, cotton, carrots, and tomatoes, this […]
7 Different Ways to Consume Marijuana: Which Is Right for You?
Over the last few years, the popularity of cannabis has grown significantly. More and more people are discovering its benefits for managing a wide range of ailments, including chronic pain, inflammation, and anxiety. As the market expands, so has the availability of cannabis products, leaving users with a seemingly endless array of options. While having choices […]
Finding the Best Dispensary In Florida: 7 Things to Look For
Florida legalized medical cannabis in 2016. Four years later, it reached a gross domestic product of more than $1 billion. When the state lost over 400,000 jobs in 2020, the cannabis industry added nearly 15,000. The industry has grown significantly in a short period, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. Experts believe the […]
Cannabis for PTSD Relief: A Florida Resident’s Handbook
Cannabis use has become a hot topic in recent years. Despite the difficulties of formal research, science is finding that the cannabinoids in the plant can provide numerous health benefits. Various studies show that cannabis may help ease symptoms related to chronic pain (such as arthritis), anxiety, stress, insomnia, and more. In addition to the […]
Head High vs Body High: What’s the Real Difference?
If you’ve been using medical cannabis for any length of time, you’ve probably experimented with a few different strains. You’ve also likely noticed that each one produced different effects. Perhaps one variety left you feeling more focused and alert, while another left your limbs so relaxed that you didn’t feel like moving. Various strains of […]
How Can You Tell When Cannabis is Past Its Best?
As a cannabis user, you’ve probably found yourself wondering how long cannabis buds last. How long can you hang onto buds before they dry out or, even worse, grow mold? The last thing you want to do is try to grind up and smoke old, dried-out buds. When it comes to smoking cannabis, you want […]
VidaCann Rolls Out Extend Store Hours & New Discounts for Patients
VidaCann’s 24 Statewide Locations Expand Operating Hours Starting Friday, October 1st along with a Revamped Website, New Product Offerings and Other Patient Perks! (JACKSONVILLE, FL) September 29, 2021… VidaCann, one of the largest and most advanced providers of medical cannabis in Florida, is rolling out extended store hours and new discount rates, among other patient perks, […]